Magie im Bild by Jürgen Becker

This set by Jürgen Becker from Germany contains a cylinder mirror and 15 pictures.
The motifs are mixed, old paintings and engravings but also modern graphics and patterns. One focus is to show how you can draw such anamorphoses yourself. That is why you will also find various templates.

Available at Perpetuum Mobile


  • 1 mirror cylinder with wooden base and lid
  • 10 anamorphoses from reprints and photos (21 x 21 cm)
  • 2 anamorphoses to color (21 x 21 cm)
  • 1 anamorphosis with alphabet as a template (21 x 21 cm)
  • 2 grids to make your own anamorphoses (21 x 21 cm)
  • 1 instruction leaflet
  • 1 box 32.5 x 27.5 cm

Magie im Bild by Jürgen Becker
Magie im Bild by Jürgen Becker

Magie im Bild by Jürgen Becker
Magie im Bild by Jürgen Becker